The Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS) was formed in 1775 by the British Government. But now this service has the responsibility of overseeing the Indian Ordnance Factories that provide the Indian defence production abilities. This means that an IOFS officer is a Gazetted defence-civilian officer under the country's Ministry of Defence.
However, you have to understand there are two types of positions in this service. The technical position and non-technical position. To get recruited into the non-technical position, you have to pass through the Civil Service Examination while for the technical positions, you have to take the Engineering Service Examination.
Responsibilities of an IOFS Officer
Engage in designing and creating new products, researching and developing patterns for the product's design.
An IOFS officer participates in project management including project initiation, policies execution, and enforcement of technical and legal marks of projects.
They are responsible for securing materials, planning the production of defence products, and also, ensuring quality control.
As an IOFS officer, you ensure there are precautionary and safety measures at the factory where you're posted, ensuring the defence products are produced, and there is workforce welfare for the workers.
Salary and Benefits of an IOFS Officer
The salary of an IOFS is rewarding. The job is one of the favourable jobs in India because of the high salary and perks.
For instance, the Higher Administrative Grade+ officers are paid according to the HAG+ scale of Rs. 75,000 – Rs. 80,000, next are the Senior General Managers/Senior Principal Directors whose salary is at the HAG scale of Rs. 67,000 – Rs. 79,000 per month.
There are other benefits in the job of IOFS such as accommodation, transportation, health insurance, and more.
Perks of being an IOFS Officer
An IOFS is provided with house guards and helpers for their household work.
Comfortable housing at very cheap rates.
Provision of health insurance.
Electricity, water, and car are provided.
Pension benefits for an IOFS officer.
Power of being an IOFS Officer
As an IOFS officer, you have the opportunity to work in many technical divisions like materials divisions, ammunition and explosive groups, metallurgy, and mechanical divisions, etc. Normally, this is difficult for ordinary people to get this kind of opportunity. Also, you get to stay in government reserved areas.
Challenges of being an IOFS Officer
The job of an IOFS officer involves routine activities of seeking approvals from their superior and there is a high rate of decisions to make in the job when compared to other services.
Another challenge of the IOFS job is posting a huge number of both senior and junior officers in one area. Therefore, making it hard for the junior officers to get the needed support facilities required to make progress. Moreover, if a senior officer is posted in a factory, they are said to enjoy the facilities alone to the detriment of other junior officers.
Friendly Conclusion
The Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS) officer oversees the management of the Indian Ordnance Factories, where the production of arms/ammunition and defence equipment of the country is done.
Joining the IOFS gives you a chance to work with people from some of the most reputed institutions and research organizations in India - IITs, IIMs, DRDO, etc. to develop defense equipment for the country. You have the opportunity to be the force behind armed forces that safeguard our borders. The pride that comes with being an IOFS officer can’t be explained in words, you can only experience it by working there.