Tests - Previous Year Question Papers - Answer Writing Practice

There is no doubt that practice makes everyone perfect, same goes for UPSC preparation. There there is no mentor which will tell you that answer writing and mock test are not important. almost every single person has said that you have to practice multiple choice questions and mains answer writing as much as possible.
We UPSC From Home bring you an easy way to practice your answer writing and MCQ solving skills.
The best thing to do when starting with UPSC preparation is to start with the previous year's question papers, and then move on to mock tests that contain expected question papers
Because PYQs give you an idea of what kind of questions are asked
you can do exam-oriented preparation.
Here we have provided question papers of each stage in UPSC CSE Exam along with ansewers sorted according to years.
We have included question papers from 2013( Because exam pattern and syllabus was hugely changed in 2013) till 2019 and we will keep updating them forever!

Here we have added prelims question paper of general science and CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test)
Below it you can find the answer sheet where we have highlighted the answer in orange color
Paper - 1 (GS)
Paper - 2 (C-SAT)
Paper - 1 (GS)
Paper - 2 (C-SAT)
Qualifying papers
These are the language papers of English and an indian language from 8th schedule. We have added question papers and answer sheet in the copy of an actual UPSC Answer sheet.
Note: Due to less demand we haven't included all language papers on the main page you can download the zip files of those question papers which will be added soon on the custom page. Thankyou
Merit Papers
Essay Papers
Here we have added the essay papers and answers written by the UPSC From Home Team inspired from the essays of toppers
General studies Papers
Here we have added the 4 general science papers General Studies 1, General Studies 2
General Studies 3 and General Studies 4. All answers are written by UPSC From Home Team on
a copy of actual UPSC Answer Sheet
General studies 1
General studies 2
General studies 3
General studies 4
Optional Papers
Here we have added the 6 optional papers geography, Sociology, Political Science and International Relationship, Public Administration, History, and Anthropology. All answers are written by UPSC From Home Team on a copy of the actual UPSC Answer Sheet. ( Arranged in decreasing order of popularity )
Note: Due to less demand we haven't included all optional papers on the main page you can download the zip files of those question papers which will be added soon on the custom page. Thank you
Personality Test
There is no written paper available for personality we have collected these questions from the interviews of people who have cleared upsc, and written answers that they have told accordingly.